Archived News Articles
By Wanda Stallworth, senior consultant, The Leadership Group LLC. The high-profile #metoo movement has raised awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace to new heights. Even so, it is important not to overlook potential signs of trouble in your own organization, in areas that don’t generate the glare of national headlines or viral social media…
Two recent books are seeking to gauge the impact of the newest generation of employees, who began entering the work force in large numbers this year, and the authors view Generation Z differently. The more troubling take is from Jean M. Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and author of “iGen: Why…
You may think baseball’s traditional lovable losers, the Chicago Cubs (at least until last fall’s Word Series victory) have little to do with the kind of leadership you want to bring to your organization. You’d be wrong. So, how did the Cubs use a renewed commitment to leadership principles to break what seemed like a…
Most Americans felt the dust would settle after the election results were finalized and looked forward to things getting back to normal. What we’ve seen though is an increase and escalation in anger, hate speech and divisiveness. Strong polarization is evident not only in the media and our communities, but also in the workplace. From…